Your minecraft network

Play now with 47 other players!

IP: play.timolia.de



With 2.765.642 players we are one of the biggest minecraft networks in the world!
See the stats!


Timolia can proudly say:
"Every of our game modes is unique!"
To the games


There are a lot of people waiting to chat with you on our Discord
To the Discord


Find new friends or get back to your old ones! Never miss a hug!
Wanna hug?

What does Timolia offer?

Timolia provides mini games of its own devising which you can find nowhere else.

Do it yourself!

You are the center of attention on Timolia! That’s why our new games are designed to make it possible that you can use your own creativity to create something new!

A good example for this is JumpWorld. Up until now 436661 jump’n runs have been published by our users here.


@TimTimolia Schon das neue 1vs1-Update ausgecheckt? ...

@TimTimolia, Voll Chef


Find some new friends!

Playing alone is boring? Are you looking for competitors for the next match? Do you have a question or want to contact our staff? Or are you just looking for other people to talk to?

On our TeamSpeak server ts.timolia.de you can find our staff if you need support and a lot of different people to play with and talk to! At our Discord you can chat and discuss with others about whatever you want!


Schönes 31vs31 Turnier #Timolia @TimoliaTeam

@Horsti98, Spieler


Weekly Tournaments

For all of you that love fighting matches, there is a big Timolia tournament every Friday. Hundreds of opponents compete weekly to win premium ranks and achievements.

Anyone who does not want to or can not be there, is able to look forward to a live broadcast with YouTubers that change weekly! All the information you need id available in time before each tournament on ourTwitter account!


Danke für den coolen Stream <3

@Poxari, Youtuber

Gamescom time!

Every year, Cologne is hosting the largest games fair in the world - Gamescom. Thousand of people are visiting it yearly. Including many of the Timolia staff members. On this occasion you have the opportunity to meet the people behind the ingame names you know!

You will find us behind hall 8, easily recognizable by the T-shirts with our server logo. Do not hesitate to talk to us! If you have found us… you will always find some coupon codes as well ;)


Nach diesem Abend im Timolia TS hab ich Muskelkater vor Lachen.

@HerrMustermann, Spieler


Stay up to date!

We want you all to stay up to date! That is why we regularly inform you guys about the latest developments and events on Twitter, Discord and in our forum And that is not everything! Being part of our community is worth it! If you actively follow us, you can look forward to cool giveaways and get the chance to help shape the server with your ideas!

We are looking forward to seeing you!

You want to see all game modes at once?

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